10 Marketing Ideas for Every Startup in Nigeria

Want to increase your Return On Investment (ROI)?

These 10 actionable marketing ideas for small businesses will help you get customers and increase sales in Nigeria – You don’t have to spend a fortune.

Creative marketing strategy is the key to success, especially for small businesses in Nigeria.

In fact, leveraging the right marketing ideas and strategies can sometimes make an average product outshine a better product that is poorly managed and marketed.

Big businesses like Coca-cola, MTN, Glo, etc can dedicate a lot of resources both monetary and staff to get their business noticed and marketed to its intended audience.

On the contrary, as a small business, you don’t have such luxury.

The question is, how can you meet up and stand a chance with these big brands in order to make ends meet for your business and attract more sales in Nigeria?


You don’t have to spend a fortune on business marketing like the big brands.

But you can achieve greater results like them by leveraging and keeping up with the trending marketing strategies you haven’t ventured into yet.

Ready to make more sales and increase your income?.

Pay close attention to these 10 marketing ideas and then adapt to working marketing techniques for your small business.


Table of Contents

1. Project the Uniqueness of your Business

What makes something/somebody extraordinary is  “extra effort”.

To be extraordinary is to be unique –  adding more effort to what others are already doing and then adding more flavor to yours.

In other to succeed as a small business in Nigeria, you should take your time to analyze the big brands (Big players in your line of business) and find something that differentiates you from your competitors.

Then inject your strength to promote the uniqueness of your business.

When you market your small business by projecting its uniqueness, you stand out.

Your Unique Selling Point (USP) could be anything – find out what it is your competitors lack and project it before your target audience.


2. Engage in Affiliate Marketing with related businesses

As a small business, if you want to meet up and grow more revenue, there are a couple of ways to go about it.

You can engage related businesses that reach your specific target market and find a way to collaborate with them.

Affiliate marketing works perfectly well for small businesses because it’s a win-win game, do this for me in return you will get this.

So it doesn’t matter if you actively market each other’s services. The bottom line is to boost your brand credibility and build a firm background for your business and most importantly generate more sales.

Similarly, you can partner with other small businesses and influencers in your industry.


3. Segment your specific target audience

Every business has a specific target audience.

As a business owner especially a startup, you must streamline your target audience and create products and services or provide solutions that specifically appeal to the needs of each target market.

You need to understand the language of the different segments of your audience before marketing to them. The older ones may prefer a more formal tone, while the youths may prefer something trendy.


4. Expand your target markets

Take for instance if you are into catering services.

You can sell your products to local businesses that need such services in your area as well as market directly to consumers.

This will go a long way toward marketing your business and creating more awareness for the product you offer.

Don’t limit yourself to only small businesses, you can as well engage in soliciting business deals from bigger companies,  including government agencies,  (from federal to local government) as long as what you offer appeals to their needs.


5. Build Customer relationship

A good customer relationship rekindles success in business. Most businesses especially startups focus more on getting new customers.

That’s great! but a good business will do everything possible to retain the existing customers.

With existing customers, you have a great chance of getting referrals from them.

As a small business, you should build a lasting relationship with your customers.

One thing to note when marketing your small business in Nigeria is that customer relationship is important. Most customers return to purchase your product because of the way they feel about your brand.

Engage them with relevant information and updates about your products and services – ask them for feedback.

Ask them the best way you can serve their needs better and do well to implement the ideas if they’re worth trying.

The bottom line is, to build and retain your customers while you seek new leads.


6. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media has become one of the most effective and reliable means of marketing in this 21st century and any business yet to leverage this trend is losing out big time.

So as a small business, you should leverage social media marketing if you haven’t already done so. This is one of the cheapest methods to market your small business.

Create and engage your business in the most appropriate social media platforms that would engage your target audience such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, etc.

Find out the most suitable platforms that will best appeal to your customer and run maximum promotions to boost and create awareness for your business.

Be sure to update and fill out social media business page profiles with as much detail as you can, being sure to include website links and products.

Talking about a website, every business needs a website. So –

7. Get a Website

I choose to introduce a website on the 7th list because any business that doesn’t understand the aforementioned ideas will definitely ignore having a website.

Now, why do you need a website?

A website for businesses in this 21st century can be likened to the value of the nucleus to a living biological cell.

It plays a vital role in promoting and marketing your business.

There are so many reasons why a website is very important for your business.

Don’t forget to add a call to action and share buttons to your website so as to encourage your site visitors to use them.

Aside from having a website, you should also consider…

8. Getting  listed on Google My Business and other online business directories in Nigeria

Today, most small business owners in Nigeria, have an idea about online business directories, (such as Confirmed, Vconnect, Business list, etc).

On the contrary, the majority do not know and understand how beneficial business listing on directories is to their company”

If your business is local, be sure to have your business listed on all relevant local directories for more online visibility for people to locate your business.

An online directory is an additional way for any small business to rapidly gain popularity and growth. Add this to your marketing plan and be sure to get positive results.

READ MORE about the benefits of business directories to small businesses in Nigeria.

9. Start Email Marketing to reach your target customers

No doubt about the saying that email marketing is an old-fashioned marketing technique, but, it works perfectly.

Furthermore, its relevance to small businesses, especially in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized.

Send custom emails to your target audience through some email marketing tools such as Constant Contact, MailChimp, etc. This will go a long way in solidifying your brand in their minds.

10. Embrace Content Marketing

Content marketing is an online marketing term that helps to promote a business by the means of publishing relevant information.

This could be videos, and graphics in order to interest potential customers in your products, services, and company.

With content marketing, small businesses can achieve higher rates of credibility and loyalty.

By delivering useful, consistent, personal, and relevant content to their customers.

This can be achieved through messaging, blogging, and social media content management.


Click here if you’re interested in Digital Marketing for the promotion of your business or services.

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